
Welcome to The STAND! - a one-of-a-kind guide for you and millions of other Americans who know full well the 2020 election was stolen and are ready to go into action NOW to take back America! Your voice has been silenced. Your input to the illegitimate regime in the White House has been ignored. You want out of the straight jacket you've been in from the moment the Presidential coup was forced out into the open in the dark of night November 3rd and the wee hours of the 4th, 2020.

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The STAND! is a Journey into your life - a magic carpet ride though your inner and outer spaces to bring into focus how the madness unleashed on unsuspecting patriots like you and me against the America we know and love by bought-and-paid-for captive elites in America. - some unwittingly and some deliberately.  

The next move in your journey is to dig into The STAND!, suspend disbelief, and leave the driving to your guide -  a physicist who brooks no corner cutting and calls out B.S. mercilessly. Immerse yourself in The STAND!s unique vision of Where we are, How we got to NOW, and Where we are headed in the fascinating political Magic Carpet ride you're stepping onto. Reclaiming America takes getting "mad as hell" about the in-your-face disdain radical leftist democrat Marxmunists show for nationalist populists like us and our fellow countrymen - the "Deplorables" - who are shaming the RINOs embedded within the "Republican" party to get out of Dodge . You're about to embark on a wild journey taking you form the bowels of the Swamp to the far corners of quantum computing and the promise and threats of A.I. to civilization itself. We'll expose once and-for-all the fake "science of Climate Change" and delve into how to wipe both the treasonous CIA and the CCP off the face of the map. We'll expose how the REAL Treason on Jan 6th was on the part of the infamous 388 congresspeople and the seditionist Vice President who voted to certify clearly fraudulent electoral college votes submitted by many states. 

Welcome Aboard! 

Welcome to TheSTAND!

A one-of-a-kind guide for you and millions of other Americans who know full well the 2020 election was stolen and are ready to go into action NOW to take back America! Your voice has been silenced. Your input to the illegitimate regime in the White House has been ignored. You want out of the straight jacket you've been in from the moment the Presidential coup was forced out into the open in the dark of night November 3rd and the wee hours of the 4th, 2020.