

Want to actually DO something hands-on at TheSTAND! to help us RESTORE AMERICA? Tired of people complaining that somebody needs to DO SOMETHING but do nothing themselves? Here's your opportunity to help us at TheSTAND! and get as deep into fixing problems in our country as you want!

Want to roll up your sleeves and help us finish TheSTAND! over the next four weeks? It's important work - America is in peril - and it's personally satisfying since you'll be really doing something about the problems in America that most people only bitch about. You can actually have a hand in getting TheSTAND! to tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of your fellow Patriots... and influencing readers in a way that can truly help Make America Great Again. 

America is engaged right now in many different kinds of fights for her very survival. Surprisingly, the biggest enemy we face is the millions of Americans who have become "bought and paid for" by the CCP, and the SWAMP. These citizens' paychecks are more important to them than their freedoms and the existence of the Constitutional Republic that is the foundation of their very own liberty. It is up to those of us who are willing to fight for the America we know and love to turn back the efforts that millions of coat-tail-riding traitors are making to line their own pockets at our expense, and destroy our very way of life. The good news is, there are a lot more of us - than them.

Here is a brief overview of some of the tasks that you can do to help us speed up finishing TheSTAND! and accelerate getting it in large-scale distribution for the public. 

NOTE:  The list below is in no particular order of priority. Review it for yourself. We need your help where your skills can be used to their highest ability!

  1. Computer troubleshooting
  2. Video Clip Making
  3. Marketing
  4. Proof Reading
  5. Building Viral social videos (long form and short form), audio (podcasts, and other distraction free content), etc.
  6. Donating! (Funds always help push forward)
  7. Fundraising Programs (GoFundMe, GiveSendGo, etc.)
  8. Social Media Polling
  9. e-mail List Building from Polls
  10. Researching and gathering contact information for the Top Conservative Programs including Bannon, Carlson, Lindell, Jones, Baris, etc. for TV interviews/Podcasts/Book Signing/etc.
  11. e-Book Coordinating (Contents, indexing, foreword, ISBN)
  12. Graphic Design
  13. Collecting Voters' True Stories (e.g. Witnessing Ballot Swapping as an Election Monitor, etc.)


We look forward to talking with you.

Patricia (Patti) Moore

(805) 689-8655

Wayne Moore

(202) 780-3392

Call, e-Mail, Text, Send Smoke Signal, etc.

Welcome to TheSTAND!

A one-of-a-kind guide for you and millions of other Americans who know full well the 2020 election was stolen and are ready to go into action NOW to take back America! Your voice has been silenced. Your input to the illegitimate regime in the White House has been ignored. You want out of the straight jacket you've been in from the moment the Presidential coup was forced out into the open in the dark of night November 3rd and the wee hours of the 4th, 2020.